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13th Anniversary Dinner

APSA celebrated its 13thanniversary with a fundraising dinner that took place the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in Lisbon on 22 November 2016. 

To this dinner attended 140 individuals (APSA team, youths, family members, friends, benefactors and sponsors) that gathered to celebrate the life, the dreams and the mission of our Association.

Ruben Reis produced the video of the dinner.

APSA- Portuguese Association for Asperger Syndrome is a non-profit Private Social Solidarity Institution (IPSS) that was created by a group of parents in Lisbon on 7 November2003.

Over the 12 years of APSA existence, our journey went throughmany paths. In addiction, a lot of people joined this Association to make it grow and evolve. We have highlighted some of the most relevant moments in our history:

Book editions:
Scientific and general information books editions about AS in partnership with Editorial Verbo. Published books: "Asperger's Syndrome" by Tony Attwood (June 2006); Minute Book – 1stInternational Congress of AS (December 2007); “Can I tell you about Asperger Syndrome?” (November 2008); “Asperger's... What Does It Mean to Me?” (November 2009); “The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome” by Tony Attwood (December 2010); Minute Book of the Seminar about “Rights, Inclusion and Disability” (March 2011); “Aspergirls” (July 2011); Minute book – 3rdInternational Congress of AS (May 2012). The necessity to publish books by APSA comes from the fact that there is no Portuguese literature about Asperger Syndrome. Our publications are destined to the people who have AS, health and education professionals, parents and family members.
Dissemination and Formation:
Participation on the Panel "Young Voices" on September 2007. Organization of the 1stInternational Congress of AS in Santa Maria da Feira in 2006. CO-organization of the 2nd International Congress of AS, in Seville, on February 2009. Seminar with Glennis Benson "Communication Techniques on Autism and Asperger Syndrome". Co-organization of a seminar with Professor Tony Attwood about AS on September 2009. Co-organization with Asperger Confederation Spain of the 3rd International Congress of AS on 2012. Organization of the seminar "Rights, Inclusion and Disability" (17 September 2010). Sessions in school nationwide - Gaivota Project - and seminars in Madeira and Azores Islands.
Support to families:
Monthly parents meetings, program “Escutar e Orientar”, program “Família”, program “Intervenção Sistémica Familiar”.

Casa Grande: Signature of the protocol with the Lisbon City Council (2009) for the concession of space, works of requalification of the building from 1 August 2011 to 4 November 2013. Signature of the cooperation protocol with ISS, IP/ District Centre of Lisbon on 29 November 2013, with the official opening on 6 January 2014 and inauguration ceremony on 5 June.

Establishment of the North Delegation -
it was established with the first meeting on 12 March 2005.

The inauguration ceremony of the Guifões (Matosinhos)facilities- 16 May 2009.

The inauguration ceremony of the CAO [Occupational Activities Centre] of Valpedre/Penafiel (2016).
The Valpedre Parish Council, with the support of the local population and Penafiel City Council, conceded to APSA North the facilities of the old school of Valpedre where after a few reconstructions, CAO was installed and inaugurated on 17 January 2015.
Protocols within the Programa Empregabilidade [Employability Program] framework:
Signature of Protocols: with REN for the integration of the 1st unpaid professional internship (2015); with the company Quinta da Avó to do training of the communitarian and functional autonomy of daily life (2014).
Work in partnership with the Portuguese Ministry of Education:
in amending the DL 3/2008; participation in public discussion and sessions in the Portuguese Assembly of the Republic about Special Education and Special Educational Needs.
The closing of the CAO of Valpedre:
the CAO of Valpedre/Penafiel ended in 2016, and the northern delegation is on suspended. Now APSA is examining the needs felt - which come from various parts of the country - to study possible partnerships and to define the best answers according to the resources that APSA has.

About us

APSA- Portuguese Association for Asperger Syndrome is a non-profit Private Social Solidarity Institution (IPSS) that was created by a group of parents in Lisbon on 7 November 2003. Our Mission: To promote the support and social integration of people with Asperger's Syndrome (AS), fostering the conditions to an independent and dignified life.


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